Database of cinema, music, history and literature

la cena dei cretini (1998)

Original title: le diner de cons
Production: France|80 min
Comedy, Comic
Poster of movie la cena dei cretini
a rich publisher meets a stupid but very kind person. publisher planned to laugh at him, but it so happened that this person was the only one who stay with him when publisher's life began to crumble.
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards


Francis VeberFrancis Veberregista

Production and Screenplay

Jacques VilleretJacques Villeretsceneggiatore
Francis VeberFrancis Vebersceneggiatore
Francis VeberFrancis Veberscrittore
Alain Poiréproduttore
Andy BorowitzAndy Borowitzsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

françois pignon
Pierre Brochant
just leblanc
lucien cheval
christine brochant
marlène sasseur
jean cordier
Edgar Givry(età:45)
pascal meneaux - voice on the phone
Daniel MartinDaniel Martin(età:63)

Technical staff

Vladimir CosmaVladimir Cosmamusiche
Luciano TovoliLuciano Tovolidirettore della fotografia
Hugues Tissandierscenografo
Jacqueline Bouchardcostumista
Gill Robillardtruccatore
Georges Klotzmontatore
Gilles Boillotscenografo
Agathe Dupuisparrucchiere
Alain Pitrelarredatore
Sophie Campbellscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1998)