Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Left Behind (2000)

Original title: left behind
Production: Canada, USA|100 min
Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie Left Behind
the biblical prophecy of armegeddon begins when the rapture instantly takes all believers in christ from the earth. a reporter left behind learns that the anti-christ will soon take power.
This movie is episode 1 of the series Left Behind composed by:

Origin of the subject


Vic Sarinregista

Production and Screenplay

Ralph Winterproduttore
Paul Lalondeproduttore
Nicholas Tabarrokproduttore
Ron Boothproduttore esecutivo
Peter Lalondeproduttore
André Van heerdenproduttore
Joe Goodmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

buck williams
Kirk CameronKirk Cameron(età:30)
bruce barnes
rayford steele
nicolae carpathia
Gordon CurrieGordon Currie(età:35)
hattie durham
Chelsea NobleChelsea Noble(età:36)
chloe steele
chaim rosenzweig
Colin FoxColin Fox(età:62)
jonathan stonagal
Daniel Pilon(età:60)
joshua todd-cothran
dirk burton
ivy gold
steve plank
ken ritz
Neil Crone(età:40)
pastor vernon billings
T.d. Jakes(età:43)
Philip AkinPhilip Akin(età:50)
Sten Eirik(età:48)
David Blacker(età:41)
Bob Carlisle(età:44)

Technical staff

James Covellmusiche
Michael Pacekmontatore
Catherine Viottruccatore
Susan Youngarredatore
Cathy Hendersoncasting
Sharon McDonellcostumista
Iantha Goldbergtruccatore
Dori Zuckermancasting
Lisa Parasyncasting
Joanne Bujouvestruccatore
James Phillipsscenografo
George Tirldirettore della fotografia
Anthony Filipettoparrucchiere