Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Possession of Joel Delaney (1972)

Original title: the possession of joel delaney
Production: UK, USA|105 min
Dramatic, Thriller, Horror
Poster of movie The Possession of Joel Delaney
a young psychopath, victim of a puerto rican sect, gets angry with his sister and his psychiatrist.


Waris HusseinWaris Husseinregista

Production and Screenplay

Irene Kampsceneggiatore
Martin Pollproduttore
Matt Robinsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Earle HymanEarle Hyman(età:46)
Stan Watt(età:42)
Miriam ColonMiriam Colon(età:36)
carrie benson
detective brady
Peter Turgeon(età:53)
joel delaney
Perry KingPerry King(età:24)
marta benson
mr. perez
mrs. perez
norah benson
peter benson
David Elliott(età:23)
ted benson
Robert Burr(età:50)
Pat Ast(età:31)
Renee Semes(età:25)

Technical staff

Sonia Fertparrucchiere
Philip Rosenbergscenografo
Peter Murtonscenografo
Edward Stewartarredatore
Joe RaposoJoe Raposomusiche
Arthur J. ornitzdirettore della fotografia
John Victor-smithmontatore
Frank L. thompsoncostumista
Saul Methtruccatore
Lee Trentparrucchiere
Jessica Levycasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia ridoppiaggio(-2147483648)