Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Unpredictable Nature of the River (1996)

Original title: les caprices d'un fleuve
Production: France, UK|111 min
Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie Unpredictable Nature of the River
in 1785, jean-franois de la plaine is appointed by the king governor in west africa, in a period when slavery was the rule.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Bernard GiraudeauBernard Giraudeausceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

la voix du fils
Pierre ArditiPierre Arditi(età:52)
Anna GalienaAnna Galiena(età:42)
Marie DuboisMarie Dubois(età:59)
Isabel Otero(età:34)
Smail Mekki(età:46)
Sophie Artur(età:39)

Technical staff

Gill Robillardtruccatore
Marylin Fitoussicostumista
Jean-marie DreujouJean-marie Dreujoudirettore della fotografia
Anick Balymontatore
René-marc Binimusiche
Yan Arlaudscenografo
Agathe Dupuisparrucchiere
Marie-Claire Schoritruccatore
Fabienne Bressanparrucchiere
Nadine Dumasparrucchiere
Christine Leausticparrucchiere
Alain Pitrelscenografo
Franck Berteauparrucchiere
Michèle Carmitrandtruccatore
Ramatoulaye Diagnetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing