Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Walking a Tightrope (1991)

Original title: les équilibristes
120 min
Poster of movie Walking a Tightrope

Festivals and awards


Nikos Papatakisregista

Production and Screenplay

Humbert BalsanHumbert Balsanproduttore
Nikos Papatakissceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

marcel spadice
fredy babitchev
jacqueline masset
franz-ali aoussine
hélène lagache
Polly WalkerPolly Walker(età:25)
Bernard Farcy(età:42)

Technical staff

William Lubtchanskydirettore della fotografia
Christian GascChristian Gasccostumista
Bruno CoulaisBruno Coulaismusiche
Nikos Meletopoulosscenografo
Eve-marie Arnaultcostumista
Ann Chakravertyscenografo
Ann Chakravertyarredatore
Evelyne Byottruccatore
Delphine Desfonsmontatore
Philippe Cord'hommearredatore
Gisèle Cavaliscenografo
Sylvie Deldonscenografo