Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Les fragments d'Antonin (2006)

Original title: les fragments d'antonin
Production: France
Dramatic, War
Poster of movie Les fragments d'Antonin
a psychiatrist who probes the mind of traumatized soldiers attempts to unlock the secret that drove a gentle but deeply-disturbed world war i veteran to the edge of insanity.

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Gabriel Le Bominsceneggiatore
Alexandra Ledermanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Claude GiraudClaude Giraud(età:70)
Yann Collette(età:50)
Pascal Elso(età:51)

Technical staff

Pierre Cottereaudirettore della fotografia
Agnès Tasseltruccatore
Alexis Kinebanyantruccatore
Benoit LestangBenoit Lestangtruccatore
Bertrand Collardmontatore
Fabian Römermusiche
Annick Dufrenecasting
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