Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lethal weapon 2 (1989)

Original title: lethal weapon 2
Production: USA|115 min
Thriller, Comedy, Action
Poster of movie lethal weapon 2
This movie is episode 2 of the series lethal weapon composed by:

Festivals and awards


Richard DonnerRichard Donnerregista

Production and Screenplay

Shane BlackShane Blacksceneggiatore
Richard DonnerRichard Donnerproduttore
Jeffrey BoamJeffrey Boamsceneggiatore
Joel SilverJoel Silverproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Joss AcklandJoss Ackland(età:61)
(arjen rudd)
Mel GibsonMel Gibson(età:33)
(Martin Riggs)
Derrick O'connorDerrick O'connor(età:48)
(peter vorstedt)
Joe PesciJoe Pesci(età:46)
(Leo Getz)
Danny GloverDanny Glover(età:43)
(Roger Murtaugh)
Patsy KensitPatsy Kensit(età:21)
(rika van den haas)
Steve Kahan
(cap. ed murphy)
Jenette GoldsteinJenette Goldstein(età:29)
(meagan shapiro)
Nestor SerranoNestor Serrano(età:33)
(eddie esteban)
Darlene LoveDarlene Love(età:51)
(Trish Murtaugh)
Grand L. Bush(età:34)
(jerry collins)
Traci Wolfe(età:29)
(Rianne Murtaugh)
Damon Hines
(Nick Murtaugh)
Jim Piddock(età:33)
(rappresentante al consolato)
Kenneth TigarKenneth Tigar(età:47)
Norm Wilson(età:51)
Mark RolstonMark Rolston(età:33)
Dean NorrisDean Norris(età:26)
Jack McgeeJack Mcgee(età:40)

Technical staff

Eric ClaptonEric Claptonmusiche
Stuart BairdStuart Bairdmontatore
Michael KamenMichael Kamenmusiche
David Sanbornmusiche
Stephen Goldblattdirettore della fotografia
George HarrisonGeorge Harrisonmusiche
Robert Hendersoneffetti speciali
Alan Robert MurrayAlan Robert Murrayeffetti speciali

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)