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Under the Influence (1999)

Original title: under the influence
Production: Canada| tv series
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
nikita pretends to be married to a vile, sadistic terrorist as section one endeavors to locate anthrax rockets that her "husband" and his brother stole.


Rick JacobsonRick Jacobsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter M. LenkovPeter M. Lenkovscrittore
Jay FirestoneJay Firestoneproduttore esecutivo
Jamie paul Rockproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Roy DupuisRoy Dupuis(età:36)
David HemblenDavid Hemblen(età:58)
Peta WilsonPeta Wilson(età:29)
Don FrancksDon Francks(età:67)

Technical staff

Tina Gerussicasting
Eva Coudoulouxtruccatore
George Aywazparrucchiere
Laurie Drewcostumista
Sean CallerySean Callerymusiche
David Perraultdirettore della fotografia
Terry Warehamscenografo
Rocco Matteoscenografo
Andy Joycearredatore
Richard Wellsmontatore