Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lies my father told me (1975)

Original title: lies my father told me
Production: Canada|102 min
Poster of movie lies my father told me
a jewish boy grows up in 1920s montreal (in canada), with a grandfather who tells stories and a father who won't work.

Festivals and awards


Don ChaffeyDon Chaffeyregista
Jan KadarJan Kadarregista

Production and Screenplay

Ted Allansceneggiatore
Ted Allanscrittore
Harry Gulkinproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Yossi Yadin(età:55)
harry herman
Len Birman(età:43)
annie herman
david herman
mr. baumgarten
Ted Allan(età:65)
zio benny
mrs. tannenbaum
mr. bondy
Betsy BlairBetsy Blair(età:52)
Victor Knight(età:53)
Guy L'ecuyer(età:44)

Technical staff

Richard Marksmontatore
Howard Ryshpancasting
Sol Kaplanmusiche
Normand Sarrazinscenografo
Normand Sarrazinarredatore
Michel Proulxscenografo
Edward Beyermontatore
François Barbeaucostumista
François Barbeauscenografo
Paul Van der lindendirettore della fotografia
Christophe Harbonvilleparrucchiere