Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lisetta (1933)

Original title: lisetta
Production: USA|84 min| black and white|
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
a wealthy and bachelor gentleman falls in love with a pretty flower girl and gives her a precious diamond that will make all those who approach the girl believe she is rich. since she has talent, she makes her debut in the variety theater, becoming a diva; the rich young man, however, makes the mistake of putting a sort of detective under his wing, in order to monitor her. when the rich man asks for the return of the jewel and also to marry him, the girl makes him understand that it is too late, not for the diamond, but for her heart, engaged with the one who followed her.


Carl BoeseCarl Boeseregista

Production and Screenplay

Oreste BiancoliOreste Biancolisceneggiatore
ManAngelo Besozziproduttore
Robert Adolf Stemmlesceneggiatore
Robert A. Stemmlesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

edward swalt
renato cialente
Elsa MerliniElsa Merlini(età:30)
fritz peters
il maggiordomo
Memo BenassiMemo Benassi(età:42)
papà hoppe
ugo ceseri
Ugo CeseriUgo Ceseri(età:40)
camillo pilotto

Technical staff

ManFernando Tropeamontatore
Ferruccio Biancinidirettore di produzione
Eduard Hoeschdirettore della fotografia
Eduard Kunnekemusiche
Hilde Grebnermontatore
Gustav A. knauerscenografo
Alexander Müggescenografo
Paul Albert langetruccatore
Eduard KünnekeEduard Künnekemusiche