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Little Lord Fauntleroy [filmTV] (1980)

Original title: little lord fauntleroy
Production: UK|103 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Little Lord Fauntleroy [filmTV]
an american boy turns out to be the long-lost heir of a british fortune. he is sent to live with the cold and unsentimental lord, who oversees the trust.

Origin of the subject


Jack Goldregista

Production and Screenplay

William Hillproduttore
Blanche Hanalissceneggiatore
Norman Rosemontproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Rolf SaxonRolf Saxon(età:25)
Dicon Murray
Rachel KempsonRachel Kempson(età:70)
(Lady Lorradaile)
Carmel Mcsharry(età:54)
John CaterJohn Cater(età:48)
Bill NighyBill Nighy(età:31)
Gerry Cowper(età:22)
Edward Wylie
(ben tipton)
Eric PorterEric Porter(età:52)
Colin Blakely(età:50)
Harry Jackson(età:84)
Rohan McculloughRohan Mccullough(età:33)
(lady grace)
Norman Pitt(età:69)
(lord ashbey delefante)
Kate Harper
(minna tipton)
Ann Way(età:65)
(miss smiff)
Tony Melody(età:58)
(mr. kimsey)
Patsy RowlandsPatsy Rowlands(età:49)
(mrs. dibble)
Connie BoothConnie Booth(età:36)
(mrs. errol)
Peter Copley
(reverendo muldaur)
Ballard Berkeley
(sir harry)
Alec GuinnessAlec Guinness(età:66)
(sir john arthur molyneux errol)
Patrick StewartPatrick Stewart(età:40)
Rick SchroderRick Schroder(età:10)
(ceddie (cedric) errol, lord fauntleroy)
John CarterJohn Carter(età:53)
Barry Jackson(età:42)
Eric RichardEric Richard(età:40)

Technical staff

Allyn Fergusonmusiche
Arthur IbbetsonArthur Ibbetsondirettore della fotografia
Olga Lehmanncostumista
Irene Lambcasting
Herbert Westbrookscenografo
Roy Ashtontruccatore
Doris Pollardparrucchiere
Keith Palmermontatore
Martin Atkinsonscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1980)