Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Lo que sé de Lola (2006)

Original title: lo que sé de lola
Production: France, Spain
Poster of movie Lo que sé de Lola
a lonely guy, living an uneventful life in paris, takes care of his mother. one day, a girl with a more exciting life moves in his apartment building.

Festivals and awards


Javier Rebolloregista

Production and Screenplay

Jerome Vidalproduttore
Parmis Zandproduttore
Javier Rebollosceneggiatore
Lola Mayosceneggiatore
Pedro Pastorproduttore
Piluca Baqueroproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lola DuenasLola Duenas(età:35)
Carmen MachiCarmen Machi(età:43)

Technical staff

Santiago Racajdirettore della fotografia
Piluca Guillemtruccatore
Rafa Jannonescenografo
Ramón Pausmusiche
Valérie Chemainarredatore
Inma Garcíacostumista
Inés Liveratocostumista
Vicent Gayaparrucchiere