Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Glass Menagerie (1987)

Original title: the glass menagerie
Production: Canada, USA|134 min
Poster of movie The Glass Menagerie
a son longs to escape from his stifling home, where his genteel mother worries about the future prospects of his lame, shy sister.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Paul NewmanPaul Newmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Burtt Harrisproduttore
ManTennessee Williamssceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Technical staff

Paul BowlesPaul Bowlesmusiche
Henry ManciniHenry Mancinimusiche
David Raymontatore
Michael BallhausMichael Ballhausdirettore della fotografia
Tony WaltonTony Waltoncostumista
Tony WaltonTony Waltonscenografo
Susan Bodearredatore
John Kasardascenografo
Toy van Lieroptruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1987)