Database of cinema, music, history and literature

locke (2013)

Original title: locke
Production: UK, USA|85 min
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie locke
ivan locke, a dedicated family man and successful construction manager, receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten his carefully cultivated existence.

Festivals and awards


Steven KnightSteven Knightregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul Websterproduttore
Steven KnightSteven Knightsceneggiatore
Steven KnightSteven Knightscrittore
Joe WrightJoe Wrightproduttore
Joe WrightJoe Wrightproduttore esecutivo
Stuart Fordproduttore esecutivo
Andrew Warrenproduttore
Steven Squillanteproduttore esecutivo
Charles Autyproduttore
Guy Heeleyproduttore
Stephen Fussproduttore
Lesley Wiseproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tom HardyTom Hardy(età:36)
(ivan locke)
Tom HollandTom Holland(età:17)
andrew scott
tom holland
suor Margaret
danny webb
pc davids
moglie di gareth
dottor gullu
Ben DanielsBen Daniels(età:49)
Olivia ColmanOlivia Colman(età:39)
Ruth WilsonRuth Wilson(età:31)
Danny Webb(età:55)
Bill Milner(età:18)
Alice Lowe(età:36)
Andrew ScottAndrew Scott(età:37)

Technical staff

Shaheen Baigcasting
Haris ZambarloukosHaris Zambarloukosdirettore della fotografia
Justine Wrightmontatore
Audrey Doyleparrucchiere
Nigel Egertoncostumista
Sarah Hamiltonparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2013)

Roberto DraghettiRoberto Draghetti Voice of gareth
Alex PolidoriAlex Polidori Voice of Eddie
Selvaggia QuattriniSelvaggia Quattrini Voice of bethan
Manuel MeliManuel Meli Voice of Sean
Alessandro QuartaAlessandro Quarta Voice of donal
Alberto AngrisanoAlberto Angrisano Voice of pc davids

Version Originale(2013)

Silas CarsonSilas Carson Voice of dottor gullu
Danny Webb Voice of Cassidy
Andrew ScottAndrew Scott Voice of donal
Bill Milner Voice of Sean
Lee Ross Voice of pc davids
Ben DanielsBen Daniels Voice of gareth
Olivia ColmanOlivia Colman Voice of bethan
Kirsty Dillon Voice of moglie di gareth
Alice Lowe Voice of suor Margaret
Ruth WilsonRuth Wilson Voice of Katrina