Database of cinema, music, history and literature

lonely hearts (2006)

Original title: lonely hearts
Production: USA|108 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Noir
Poster of movie lonely hearts


Todd Robinsonregista

Interpreters and Characters

John TravoltaJohn Travolta(età:52)
(elmer robinson)
James GandolfiniJames Gandolfini(età:45)
(charles hilderbrandt)
Jared LetoJared Leto(età:35)
(raymond fernandez)
Salma HayekSalma Hayek(età:40)
(martha beck)
Scott CaanScott Caan(età:30)
Laura DernLaura Dern(età:39)
(renée fodie)
Michael GastonMichael Gaston(età:44)
(d.a. hunt)
Bruce MacVittieBruce MacVittie(età:50)
Dan ByrdDan Byrd(età:21)
(eddie robinson)
Andrew Wheeler
(detective tooley)
Michael RispoliMichael Rispoli(età:46)
charles hildebrandt

Technical staff

Kathryn Himoffmontatore
Peter Levydirettore della fotografia
Mychael DannaMychael Dannamusiche
Jaqueline Blackcostumista
Traci Kirshbaumscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)

Stefano De SandoStefano De Sando Voice of charles hildebrandt