Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Look Both Ways (2005)

Original title: look both ways
100 min
Dramatic, Mystery, Romantic
Poster of movie Look Both Ways
during one unusually hot and tragic weekend, four people struggle after hearing some life-changing news, this in turn brings them together.

Festivals and awards


Sarah Wattregista

Production and Screenplay

Sarah Wattsceneggiatore
Sarah Wattscrittore
Bridget Ikinproduttore
Andrew Myerproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Tamara LeesTamara Lees(età:79)
Eliza Lovell(età:33)
Sacha HorlerSacha Horler(età:34)
Anthony Hayes(età:28)
Craig Behenna(età:32)
Maggie Dence(età:63)

Technical staff

Amanda Brownmusiche
Edie Kurzercostumista
Denise Haratzismontatore
Tracy Phillpotparrucchiere
Simon Mccutcheonscenografo
Toni Mccutcheonarredatore
Marion Leeparrucchiere
Penny Armstrongparrucchiere
Angela Heesomcasting