Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Looking for Grace (2015)

Original title: looking for grace
100 min
Poster of movie Looking for Grace
after a teenage girl named grace goes missing, her parents along with the help of an investigator seek to find her, while also juggling their own secrets and stories between them.

Festivals and awards


Sue Brooksregista

Production and Screenplay

Sue Taylorproduttore
Sue Brookssceneggiatore
Michael j. Wernerproduttore esecutivo
Antonio Zeccolaproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Odessa YoungOdessa Young(età:17)
Myles Pollard(età:43)
Terry Norris(età:85)
Tasma Walton(età:42)

Technical staff

Peter Carrodusmontatore
Katie Milwrightdirettore della fotografia
Clayton Jaunceyscenografo
Elizabeth Drakemusiche
Jane Norriscasting
Monique Wajonscenografo
Terri Lameracostumista
Kate Andersontruccatore