Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Lord of the Flies (1963)

Original title: lord of the flies
Production: UK|92 min| black and white
Dramatic, Thriller, Psychological
Poster of movie Lord of the Flies
lost on an island, young survivors of a plane crash eventually revert to savagery despite the few rational boys' attempts to prevent that.

Origin of the subject


Peter BrookPeter Brookregista

Production and Screenplay

Peter BrookPeter Brooksceneggiatore
Peter BrookPeter Brookscrittore
Lewis M.allenproduttore
Gerald Feilproduttore
Han Leiproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Tom Chapin(età:15)
James AubreyJames Aubrey(età:16)
Nicholas HammondNicholas Hammond(età:13)
Roger Elwin(età:13)
Tom Gaman
Hugh Edwards(età:12)
Roger Allan(età:23)

Technical staff

Peter BrookPeter Brookmontatore
Gerald Feildirettore della fotografia
Gerald Feilmontatore
Raymond LeppardRaymond Leppardmusiche
Tom Hollymandirettore della fotografia