Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Los encantados (2016)

Original title: los encantados
Production: Spain|70 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie Los encantados
in the world of dreams, there's no beginning and no end... are you willing to see without understanding? to let it all to the imagination? don't ask who's dreaming. it's you who is dreaming.


Ricardo Dávilaregista

Production and Screenplay

Ricardo Dávilaproduttore esecutivo
Ricardo Dávilasceneggiatore
Angela Bojproduttore
Néstor Ruiz medinaproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Esther AceboEsther Acebo(età:33)
Sara CoboSara Cobo(età:23)
Albert Roca(età:44)

Technical staff

Ricardo Dávilamontatore
Néstor Ruiz medinadirettore della fotografia