Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Los Europeos (2020)

Original title: los europeos
89 min
Poster of movie Los Europeos
spain at the end of the 50s. miguel and antonio, both single and in their early 30s, go on a trip to ibiza, lured by the european sexual myth and the illusion of freedom. but on the island, nothing will be as they expected.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Pilar Roblaproduttore esecutivo
Bernardo Sánchezsceneggiatore
Marta L. Castillosceneggiatore
Marta Pastorproduttore esecutivo
Louise Bellicaudproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Dritan Biba(età:46)

Technical staff

Paul SanchezPaul Sancheztruccatore
Miguel Sesétruccatore
Maite Sanchezarredatore
Selma Mutalmusiche
Txabe Atxacasting
Lena Mossumcostumista
Anna Pujol Taulerscenografo
Fermín Galánparrucchiere
Buster Francomontatore
Isabelle Ungarocasting
Sophie Farsattruccatore
Rosa María simónparrucchiere