con gli occhi dell'assassino (2010)
Original title: los ojos de julia
Production: Spain|112 min
Thriller, Horror, Dramatic
Festivals and awards
Guillem Morales: regista
Production and Screenplay
Guillem Morales: sceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters
isp. dimas
Technical staff
Balter Gallart: scenografo
Caitlin Acheson: truccatore

Óscar Faura: direttore della fotografia
Joan Manel vilaseca: montatore

Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2010)

Monica Pariante Voice of Julia Gutierrez caba

Andrea Bolognini Voice of Victor Benjumea

Lucia Angella Voice of Ángela Rosal

Annalisa Longo Voice of Andrea Hermosa

Simone Biasetti Voice of Resty Turnez

Sonia Colombo Voice of Vanesa Prieto