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Lost Angels (1989)

Original title: lost angels
Production: USA|116 min
Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie Lost Angels
a troubled youth from a split los angeles family is sent to a private psychiatric hospital after a violent scrape with the police. in the hospital, he makes a connection with one of the doctors who has his own problems.


Hugh HudsonHugh Hudsonregista

Production and Screenplay

Andrew Davisproduttore
Michael Wellersceneggiatore
Michael Wellerscrittore
Howard RosenmanHoward Rosenmanproduttore
Thomas Baerproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Donald SutherlandDonald Sutherland(età:55)
(Dr. Charles Loftis, psichiatra)
Amy LocaneAmy Locane(età:18)
(Cheryl Anderson)
Adam HorovitzAdam Horovitz(età:23)
(Tim Doolan)
Kevin TigheKevin Tighe(età:45)
Max PerlichMax Perlich(età:21)
Park OverallPark Overall(età:32)
Celia WestonCelia Weston(età:38)
Jane Hallaren(età:49)
John SaxonJohn Saxon(età:54)
Jack Gold(età:59)
Peter Maloney(età:45)
Graham BeckelGraham Beckel(età:40)
Keone YoungKeone Young(età:42)
Wilkof LeeWilkof Lee(età:38)
Gary RileyGary Riley(età:26)
Pauly ShorePauly Shore(età:21)
William Steis(età:44)
Ron Frazier(età:50)
Joe D'angerio(età:40)
David HermanDavid Herman(età:22)

Technical staff

Philippe SardePhilippe Sardemusiche
Judianna Makovskycostumista
Assheton Gortonscenografo
Alex Tavoularisscenografo
David Gladwellmontatore
Nancy Foycasting
Bob Kensingerarredatore
Juan Ruiz Anchiadirettore della fotografia
Karen Bradleytruccatore
Terry Balielparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)