Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back (1995)

Original title: best of the best 3: no turning back
Production: USA|90 min
Action, Thriller, Dramatic
Poster of movie Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
a martial arts instructor comes to the defense of a schoolteacher who has taken a stand against a local white supremacist organization.
This movie is episode 3 of the series best of the best composed by:


Phillip RheePhillip Rheeregista

Production and Screenplay

Phillip RheePhillip Rheeproduttore
Barry Graysceneggiatore
Deborah Lynn scottproduttore
Deborah Lynn scottsceneggiatore
Frank Giustraproduttore esecutivo
Peter e. Straussproduttore
Marlon Staggsproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Tommy Lee
jack banning
margo preston
Gina GershonGina Gershon(età:32)
donnie hansen
Mark RolstonMark Rolston(età:39)
owen tucker
karen banning
Dee WallaceDee Wallace(età:47)
preacher brian
R. Lee ErmeyR. Lee Ermey(età:51)
luther phelps
Kane HodderKane Hodder(età:40)
Phillip RheePhillip Rhee(età:35)
Nevil ShuteNevil Shute(età:39)
Jeff Harris(età:60)

Technical staff

Barry Goldbergmusiche
William J. perrettiscenografo
Bert Lovittmontatore
Jerry Watsondirettore della fotografia
Wade Dailytruccatore
Craig Berkeleytruccatore
Natalie Popearredatore
David Quashnicktruccatore
James F. tarziacasting
Maxi Spisakparrucchiere