Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Lourdes (2019)

Original title: lourdes
Production: France|95 min
Poster of movie Lourdes
the rock of the grotto of lourdes is caressed by tens of millions of people who left there the imprint of their dreams, their expectations, their hopes and their sentences. in lourdes converge all the fragility's, all the poverty's.

Festivals and awards


Alban Teurlairegista

Production and Screenplay

Jeanne Aptekmansceneggiatore
Jeanne Aptekmanscrittore
Valeria GraciValeria Graciproduttore
Thierry Demaizièreproduttore
Thierry Demaizièresceneggiatore
Alban Teurlaiproduttore
Alban Teurlaisceneggiatore
Alban Teurlaiscrittore
Sixtine Léon-Dufoursceneggiatore
Lucie Boudaudsceneggiatore
Nathalie Tabloomsceneggiatore
Stéphanie Schorterproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Pierre Aviatmusiche
Alban Teurlaidirettore della fotografia
Alban Teurlaimontatore