Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Love Me No More (2008)

Original title: deux jours à tuer
Production: France, UK|85 min
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Love Me No More
the back story is a marvelous and gorgeous social commentary on the type of generous actions we could all take - to enrich our often-solitary elder-citizens' lives.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Jean BeckerJean Beckerregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric Assoussceneggiatore
Louis Beckerproduttore
Jean BeckerJean Beckersceneggiatore
Jérôme Beaujoursceneggiatore
Jérôme Beaujourscrittore
François D'ÉpenouxFrançois D'Épenouxsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Claire NeboutClaire Nebout(età:44)
Annick Alane(età:83)
Pierre VaneckPierre Vaneck(età:77)
Jean DellJean Dell(età:47)
WomanAnne Loiret(età:45)
Jesse Morris(età:25)

Technical staff

Jacques Wittamontatore
Annie Periercostumista
Thérèse Ripaudscenografo
Alain GoraguerAlain Goraguermusiche
Aude Thomasparrucchiere
Arthur Cloquetdirettore della fotografia