Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Love Me No More (2008)

Original title: deux jours à tuer
85 min
Poster of movie Love Me No More
the back story is a marvelous and gorgeous social commentary on the type of generous actions we could all take - to enrich our often-solitary elder-citizens' lives.

Festivals and awards


Jean BeckerJean Beckerregista

Production and Screenplay

Eric Assoussceneggiatore
Louis Beckerproduttore
Jean BeckerJean Beckersceneggiatore
Jérôme Beaujoursceneggiatore
Jérôme Beaujourscrittore
François D'ÉpenouxFrançois D'Épenouxsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Claire NeboutClaire Nebout(età:44)
Annick Alane(età:83)
Pierre VaneckPierre Vaneck(età:77)
Jean DellJean Dell(età:47)
Anne Loiret(età:45)
Jesse Morris(età:25)

Technical staff

Jacques Wittamontatore
Annie Periercostumista
Thérèse Ripaudscenografo
Alain GoraguerAlain Goraguermusiche
Aude Thomasparrucchiere
Arthur Cloquetdirettore della fotografia