Database of cinema, music, history and literature

madame jealousy (1918)

Original title: madame jealousy
Production: USA| |


Production and Screenplay

Eve Unsellsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Pauline FrederickPauline Frederick(età:35)
(madame jealousy)
Thomas MeighanThomas Meighan(età:39)
Frank Losee(età:62)
Charles Wellesley(età:45)
Isabel O'madigan(età:47)
Elsie MacLeodElsie MacLeod(età:28)
(elsie macleod)
Elsie MacLeodElsie MacLeod(età:28)
Ina Rorke
Grace Barton
Eddie Sturgis(età:37)
Marcia Harris(età:50)
J.k. Murray
(good nature)

Technical staff

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