Database of cinema, music, history and literature

made in heaven (1921)

Original title: made in heaven
Production: USA|1427 min| |
Comedy, Romantic


Production and Screenplay

Arthur F. stattersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

william lowry
Tom MooreTom Moore(età:38)
claudia royce
molly malone
elizabeth royce
mrs. royce
Kate Lester(età:64)
mr. royce
Al W. filson(età:64)
Freeman Wood(età:25)
lowry sr
miss lowry
Renee AdoreeRenee Adoree(età:23)
Herbert PriorHerbert Prior(età:54)
ethel hadden
mr. hadden
John CossarJohn Cossar(età:63)

Technical staff

Cedric GibbonsCedric Gibbonsscenografo
Ernest MillerErnest Millerdirettore della fotografia