Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Mademoiselle Josette ma femme (1950)

Original title: mademoiselle josette ma femme
Production: France, UK|88 min| black and white
Comedy, Comic
Poster of movie Mademoiselle Josette ma femme

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

André Berthomieusceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Odile Versois(età:20)
Robert ArnouxRobert Arnoux(età:51)
Paul Faivre(età:64)
Cadet Rivers(età:58)
Jean Berton(età:44)
Lysiane Rey(età:28)
Guy Rapp(età:50)

Technical staff

Raymond Nègrescenografo
Roger Dormoydirettore della fotografia