maid in manhattan (2002)
Original title: maid in manhattan
Production: USA|107 min|
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
marisa ventura, a single mother of latin american origins from the bronx, works as a waitress in a prestigious hotel in manhattan knows christopher marshall, an aspiring senator, and a deep love story is born between them.
Festivals and awards
Wayne Wang: regista
Production and Screenplay
Wayne Wang: sceneggiatore
Kevin Wade: sceneggiatore
John Hughes (regista): sceneggiatore
Characters and Interpreters
chris marshall
Ralph Fiennes(età:40)
Marisa Ventura
Jennifer Lopez(età:33)
caroline lane
Natasha Richardson(età:39)
jerry siegel
Stanley Tucci(età:42)
ty ventura
Tyler Posey(età:11)
paula burns
Frances Conroy(età:49)
john bextrum
Chris Eigeman(età:37)
rachel hoffman
Amy Sedaris(età:41)
autograph girl
Amber Gristak(età:19)
stephanie kehoe
veronica ventura
Priscilla Lopez(età:54)
lionel bloch
Bob Hoskins(età:60)
Maddie Corman(età:32)
Lisa Roberts gillan(età:37)
Ray Aranha(età:63)
Jeff Hephner(età:27)
Technical staff
Alan Silvestri: musiche
Craig Mckay: montatore
Karl Walter Lindenlaub: direttore della fotografia
Albert Wolsky: costumista
Jane Musky: scenografo
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2002)
Rita Savagnone Voice of Priscilla Lopez
Flavio Aquilone Voice of Tyler Posey
Roberto Pedicini Voice of Ralph Fiennes
Antonio Sanna Voice of Chris Eigeman
Isabella Pasanisi Voice of Natasha Richardson
Manlio De Angelis Voice of Bob Hoskins
Massimo Lodolo Voice of Stanley Tucci