Database of cinema, music, history and literature

man's best friend (1993)

Original title: man's best friend
Production: UK, USA|87 min
Horror, Science fiction, Comedy, Thriller
Poster of movie man's best friend
a genetically engineered dog escapes from the science facility where it was created. a family takes it in unaware of its deadly instincts which soon emerge. the scientist who created the dog tries to find it before its too late.

Festivals and awards


John LafiaJohn Lafiaregista

Production and Screenplay

John LafiaJohn Lafiascrittore
Robert Kosbergproduttore esecutivo
Kelley Smith waitproduttore
Daniel Grodnikproduttore esecutivo
Robert Engelmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

dottor Jarret
Lori Tanner
Ally SheedyAlly Sheedy(età:31)
special vocal effects
Robert ShayeRobert Shaye(età:54)
Fredric LehneFredric Lehne(età:34)
J. D. daniels(età:13)
Adam Carl(età:22)
Olivia BrownOlivia Brown(età:33)
George Peters(età:90)

Technical staff

Joel GoldsmithJoel Goldsmithmusiche
Mark Irwindirettore della fotografia
Nancy Frazenmontatore
Kevin Yaghertruccatore
Jaymes Hinklescenografo
Ellen Totlebenarredatore
Michael N. knuemontatore
Alex Wilkinsonmusiche
Suzanne Parker sandersparrucchiere
Chris Yaghertruccatore
Aliki Demetriadesparrucchiere
Erik Olsonscenografo

Voices and Dubbing