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man with the golden gun (1974)

Original title: man with the golden gun
Production: UK|125 min
Thriller, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie man with the golden gun
This movie is episode 9 of the series 007 composed by:


Guy HamiltonGuy Hamiltonregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom Mankiewiczsceneggiatore
Richard Maibaumsceneggiatore
Albert R.broccoliproduttore
Harry SaltzmanHarry Saltzmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

James Bond / 007
Roger MooreRoger Moore(età:47)
mary goodnight
Britt EklandBritt Ekland(età:32)
francisco scaramanga / l'uomo dalla pistola d'oro
andrea anders
Maud AdamsMaud Adams(età:29)
sceriffo j.w. pepper
Clifton JamesClifton James(età:54)
hai fat
Richard LooRichard Loo(età:71)
tenente hip
Soon-tek OhSoon-tek Oh(età:31)
James Cossins(età:41)
Miss Moneypenny
Lois MaxwellLois Maxwell(età:47)
Bernard LeeBernard Lee(età:66)

Technical staff

Raymond Poultonmontatore
John ShirleyJohn Shirleymontatore
Ted Mooredirettore della fotografia
Oswald MorrisOswald Morrisdirettore della fotografia
John GraysmarkJohn Graysmarkscenografo
John StearsJohn Stearseffetti speciali
Don Blackmusiche
Peter Murtonscenografo
John BarryJohn Barrymusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1974)

Dhia CristianiDhia Cristiani Voice of Miss Moneypenny

Music tracks of the soundtrack