Database of cinema, music, history and literature

manolete (2007)

Original title: manolete
Production: UK, Spain, USA|92 min
Dramatic, Sports, Historical
Poster of movie manolete


Menno Meyjesregista

Production and Screenplay

Menno Meyjessceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

manuel rodríguez sánchez "manolete"
Adrien BrodyAdrien Brody(età:34)
lupe sino
Penelope CruzPenelope Cruz(età:33)
doña angustias
Ann Mitchell(età:68)
enrique de ahumada
Josep Linuesa(età:41)
pepe camará
Juan EchanoveJuan Echanove(età:46)

Technical staff

Gabriel YaredGabriel Yaredmusiche
Sylvie Landramontatore
Sonia Grandecostumista
Salvador Parrascenografo
Robert YeomanRobert Yeomandirettore della fotografia
Dan Jonesmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)