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Margery and Gladys [filmTV] (2003)

Original title: margery and gladys
97 min| tv movie
Dramatic, Comedy, Crime
Poster of movie Margery and Gladys [filmTV]


Geoffrey Saxregista

Production and Screenplay

Andrew Mccullochsceneggiatore
Flanagan Johnsceneggiatore
Sharon Bloomproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

June BrownJune Brown(età:76)
(Gladys Gladwell)
Tilly VosburghTilly Vosburgh(età:43)
(mrs. wilkins)
Martin FreemanMartin Freeman(età:32)
(D.S. Stringer)
Ivana BasicIvana Basic(età:27)
(Nina Kovacs)
Penelope KeithPenelope Keith(età:63)
(Margery Heywood)
Marcia WarrenMarcia Warren(età:60)
(Jean Thompson)
Peter VaughanPeter Vaughan(età:80)
Adam GodleyAdam Godley(età:39)
Ken Morley(età:60)

Technical staff

Tim Hutchinsonscenografo
Barbara Kiddcostumista
James Lewisscenografo
Chris O'delldirettore della fotografia
Philip Popemusiche