Database of cinema, music, history and literature

maria baschkirtzeff (1936)

Original title: maria baschkirtseff
Production: Germany, Italy|77 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
maria is a young russian painter who came to paris to complete her studies: her master of painting falls in love with her and would like to marry her but she refuses, preferring, driven by her artistic passion, to wander around the city to portray faces and places. one day he meets the poet guy de maupassant and a romantic idyll is born between them. the master of painting does not resign himself and would like to provoke a scandal, but maria's tutor reveals to him that the woman is suffering from consumption and that she will not have much time to live. mary feels confession and turns away from her beloved, but when she is at the end of her strength she invokes him with all her love; the poet arrives bringing her a medal and making her believe in a victory for one of her paintings. but maria dies soon after.


Henry KosterHenry Kosterregista
Artur Gottleinaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Henry KosterHenry Kostersceneggiatore
Corrado AlvaroCorrado Alvarosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Isa MirandaIsa Miranda(età:31)
(Maria Baschkirtzeff)
Isa MirandaIsa Miranda(età:31)
(marie bashkirtseff)
Loris GizziLoris Gizzi(età:37)
(dottor walitsky)
Ennio CerlesiEnnio Cerlesi(età:35)
Umberto SacripanteUmberto Sacripante(età:32)
(un fotografo)
Loris GizziLoris Gizzi(età:37)
(dottor Walitzky)
Oreste BilanciaOreste Bilancia(età:55)
Gemma BolognesiGemma Bolognesi(età:42)
(madre di Maria)
Umberto SacripanteUmberto Sacripante(età:32)
Lili Darvas(età:34)
S.Z. SakallS.Z. Sakall(età:53)
Fritz SpiraFritz Spira(età:55)

Technical staff

Willy Goldbergerdirettore della fotografia
Paul Abrahammusiche
Zoltan Vidordirettore della fotografia
Ladislaus Vidormontatore
Arthur Bergerscenografo
Franz Meschkanscenografo
Ladislaus Czettelcostumista
Hans Heinz Theyeroperatore
Alfred Norkusfonico