Database of cinema, music, history and literature

María querida (2004)

Original title: maría querida
91 min
Poster of movie María querida
lola goes to cover the press conference of the cervantes prize award to marã­a zambrano. captivated by the personality of the thinker decides to launch a film about her.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Rafael AzconaRafael Azconasceneggiatore
Rafael AzconaRafael Azconascrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Juan DiegoJuan Diego(età:62)
Pilar BardemPilar Bardem(età:65)
Jordi Dauder(età:66)
Luis BunuelLuis Bunuel(età:104)
María BottoMaría Botto(età:30)
Berta Riaza(età:76)

Technical staff

Eva Arretxecostumista
Juan Amorosdirettore della fotografia
Sonia Nollascenografo
Vanessa Marimbertmontatore
Antonio Meliveomusiche