Database of cinema, music, history and literature

maudie - una vita a colori (2016)

Original title: maudie
Production: USA|115 min| |
Dramatic, Romantic


Aisling Walshregista

Production and Screenplay

Sherry Whitesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Sally HawkinsSally Hawkins(età:40)
(maud lewis)
Ethan HawkeEthan Hawke(età:46)
(everett lewis)
Kari MatchettKari Matchett(età:46)
Zachary BennettZachary Bennett(età:36)
(charles dowley)
ManBilly Mclellan(età:31)
ManBilly Mclellan(età:31)
(billy maclellan)

Technical staff

Michael Timminsmusiche
Guy Godfreedirettore della fotografia
Stephen O'connellmontatore
Trysha BakkerTrysha Bakkercostumista