Database of cinema, music, history and literature

me myself i (1999)

Original title: me myself i
Production: Australia, France|104 min|
Comedy, Romantic
a girl has to face two parallel lives: in one she is a career woman, but afflicted by not having married many years before. in the second she is married and lives "happily" with three children and a dog.


Pip Karmelregista

Production and Screenplay

Pip Karmelsceneggiatore
Fabien Lironproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Rachel GriffithsRachel Griffiths(età:31)
(pamela drury / pamela dickson)
Rachel GriffithsRachel Griffiths(età:31)
David Roberts(età:203)
David Roberts (attore)
(robert dickson)
Sandy WintonSandy Winton(età:29)
(ben griffin)
Yael StoneYael Stone(età:14)
(stacy dickson)
Shaun Loseby
Trent SullivanTrent Sullivan(età:6)
(rupert dickson)
Christine Stephen-dalyChristine Stephen-daly(età:26)
Ann Burbrook
Frank Whitten(età:57)

Technical staff

Graham Linddirettore della fotografia
Charlie Chanmusiche
Denise Haratzismontatore

Voices and Dubbing