Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Mélo (1986)

Original title: mélo
112 min
Poster of movie Mélo
pierre and marcel are longtime friends who meet years later. maniche, pierre's wife, falls in love with marcel; tries to poison her husband but, failing that, decides to commit suicide.

Festivals and awards


Alain ResnaisAlain Resnaisregista

Production and Screenplay

Alain ResnaisAlain Resnaissceneggiatore
Marin Karmitzproduttore
Henry Bernsteinsceneggiatore
Catherine Lapoujadeproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

christiane levesque
dr. remy
le prêtre
marcel blanc
pierre belcroix
romaine belcroix
Pierre ArditiPierre Arditi(età:42)
Fanny ArdantFanny Ardant(età:37)
Sabine AzemaSabine Azema(età:37)

Technical staff

Catherine LeterrierCatherine Leterriercostumista
Jacques SaulnierJacques Saulnierscenografo
Johannes BrahmsJohannes Brahmsmusiche
Albert Jurgensonmontatore
Charles Van dammedirettore della fotografia
Dominique De vorgestruccatore
Sylvie Mathevetparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing