men in black (1997)
Original title: men in black
Production: USA|98 min
Science fiction, Comedy, Action

a police officer joins a secret organization that polices and monitors extraterrestrial interactions on earth.
This movie is episode 1 of the series mib - men in black composed by:
Festivals and awards
Golden Globe 1998 - nomination Migliore film commedia
Bafta 1998 - nomination Best Special Visual Effects
Assigned to: Peter Chesney, Rick Baker, Eric Brevig, Rob Coleman
Assigned to: Peter Chesney, Rick Baker, Eric Brevig, Rob Coleman
saturn awards 1998 - nomination Best Special Effects
Assigned to: Rick Baker, Peter Chesney, Rob Coleman, Eric Brevig
Assigned to: Rick Baker, Peter Chesney, Rob Coleman, Eric Brevig
saturn awards 1998 - nomination Best Make-Up
Assigned to: David Leroy Anderson, Katherine James, Rick Baker
Assigned to: David Leroy Anderson, Katherine James, Rick Baker

Production and Screenplay

Edward Solomon: sceneggiatore
Walter F.Parkes: produttore
Graham Place: produttore
Laurie Mcdonald: produttore
Laurie MacDonald: produttore

Steven R. molen: produttore
Interpreters and Characters
frank il carlino
james edwards/agente j
john alexander
poliziotto salvato da k
rosenberg alien
worm guy

Keith Campbell(età:35)
Michael Goldfinger(età:43)

John Elsen(età:33)

Al Roker(età:43)

Joe Paparone(età:57)
Eliot Sash(età:41)
Newt Gingrich(età:54)
Boris Lyoskin(età:74)
Sean Bunch(età:26)
Robert Stahoviak(età:41)
Christina Benitan(età:33)
Technical staff

Bo Welch: scenografo

David Leroy Anderson: truccatore
Laini Thompson: truccatore
David Rubin: casting
Debra Zane: casting
Rob Coleman: effetti speciali
Tom Duffield: scenografo

Katherine James: truccatore

Lisa Layman: truccatore
Rob Hinderstein: truccatore
Mary E. Vogt: costumista
Jim Miller (montatore): montatore
Scott Hersh: truccatore
Cheryl Carasik: scenografo
Cheryl Carasik: arredatore
Mark Shostrom: truccatore
Gerald Solomon: parrucchiere
Anthony Veader: parrucchiere
Steven Lawrence: truccatore
Joe Colwell: truccatore
Peter Chesney: effetti speciali
Connie grayson Criswell: parrucchiere
Will Huff: truccatore
Donald Peterman: direttore della fotografia
Chris Hanson: truccatore
Virginia g. Hadfield: parrucchiere
John Goodwin: truccatore
Glen p. Griffin: truccatore
Richard Arguijo: truccatore
Diane Pepper: parrucchiere
Barry Rosenberg: parrucchiere
Mark Alfrey: truccatore
Joseph yuss Simon: truccatore
Denise Leibee: parrucchiere
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(1997)

Loretta Stroppa Voice of Siobhan Fallon

Version Originale(1997)
Tim Blaney Voice of frank il carlino