Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Original title: million dollar baby
Production: USA|132 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Sports
Poster of movie Million Dollar Baby
frankie dunn has been the coach and manager of many boxers for years and spent a lifetime in the ring. a lonely man with a tough character, frankie has a single friend, scrap, also a former boxer, with whom he runs a boxing gym in los angeles. frankie's life takes a turn when maggie arrives in the gym, a girl determined to fight in the ring, who at first tries to discourage but then, given the girl's obstinacy, decides to help and takes her protection.

Festivals and awards


Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodregista

Production and Screenplay

Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodproduttore
Albert S.ruddyproduttore
Gary Lucchesiproduttore esecutivo
Tom Rosenbergproduttore
Robert LorenzRobert Lorenzproduttore esecutivo
Paul HaggisPaul Haggisproduttore
Paul HaggisPaul Haggissceneggiatore
Bobby Morescoproduttore
Albert S. ruddyAlbert S. ruddyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Frankie Dunn
Maggie Fitzgerald
Hilary SwankHilary Swank(età:30)
billie "the blue bear"
Lucia RijkerLucia Rijker(età:37)
Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris
Danger Barch
Jay BaruchelJay Baruchel(età:22)
j.d. fitzgerald
Marcus ChaitMarcus Chait(età:31)
Big Willie Little
Mike ColterMike Colter(età:28)
Lucia RijkerLucia Rijker(età:37)
j.d. fitzerald
padre Horvak
Shawrelle Berry
Earline Fitzgerald
Mardell Fitzgerald
Riki LindhomeRiki Lindhome(età:25)
manager di Billie
Mickey Mack
Counterman at Diner
Cut Man
Joe D'angerio(età:55)
additional voices
Ned EisenbergNed Eisenberg(età:47)
Kyle EastwoodKyle Eastwood(età:36)
Miguel Perez(età:47)
Michael PenaMichael Pena(età:28)
Ted Grossman(età:73)
Jeanette LoffJeanette Loff(età:98)
Michael BenttMichael Bentt(età:39)
Kim StraussKim Strauss(età:51)
Jamison Yang(età:28)
Jim Cantafio(età:46)
Sean Lograsso(età:27)
Mckay Stewart(età:30)
Ricky PakRicky Pak(età:29)
Ernie Rivera(età:19)

Technical staff

Clint EastwoodClint Eastwoodmusiche
Tom SternTom Sterndirettore della fotografia
Joel Coxmontatore
Henry BumsteadHenry Bumsteadscenografo
Phyllis Huffmancasting
Deborah Hoppercostumista
Janice Alexanderparrucchiere
Nancy Hancocktruccatore
Jack G. taylor jr.scenografo
Richard C. Goddardscenografo
Richard C. Goddardarredatore
Jay Wejebetruccatore
Buffy Zerefskitruccatore
Tania Mccomastruccatore
Carol A. O'Connellparrucchiere
Deena Adairparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)

Renato MoriRenato Mori Voice of Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris
Laura LenghiLaura Lenghi Voice of Maggie Fitzgerald