Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants (2013)

Original title: minuscule - la vallée des fourmis perdues
Production: Belgium, France|89 min
Action, Animation, Adventure
Poster of movie Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants
a stranded young ladybug forms an alliance with a squad of black ants in order to retrieve a rather unusual treasure to the ant hive.

Festivals and awards


Thomas Szaboregista
Hélène Giraudregista

Production and Screenplay

Malika Brahimproduttore
Diana Elbaumproduttore
Thomas Szaboscrittore
Hélène Giraudscrittore
Sébastien Delloyeproduttore
Joel Thiboutproduttore
Aurélia Frachonproduttore
Florent Mounierproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Hélène Giraudscenografo
Mathieu Junotscenografo
Franck Benezechscenografo
Dominique Faussetdirettore della fotografia