Database of cinema, music, history and literature

miseria e nobiltà (1940)

Original title: miseria e nobiltà
Production: Italy|62 min
Comedy, Romantic
two young men, from different social backgrounds, come up with a trick to get married: he shows up at the engagement dinner with fake relatives picked up among the poor in the neighborhood. despite the failure of the expedient, the two lovers reach the goal they had set for themselves.


Production and Screenplay

Characters and Interpreters

Felice Sciosciammocca
il marchesino eugenio
donna Luisella
Elli ParvoElli Parvo(età:25)
donna Concetta
Maria DonatiMaria Donati(età:42)
il barone
il cavaliere don gaetano
Marina DogeMarina Doge(età:18)
Dina SassoliDina Sassoli(età:20)
il marchese ottavio
la cameriera

Technical staff

Giovanni FuscoGiovanni Fuscomusiche
Otello MartelliOtello Martellidirettore della fotografia
Nino Maccaronesscenografo
ManEraldo Da romamontatore