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Miss Marple: A Pocketful of Rye [filmTV] (1985)

Original title: miss marple: a pocketful of rye
103 min| tv movie
Poster of movie Miss Marple: A Pocketful of Rye [filmTV]
when a handful of grain is found in the pocket of a murdered businessman, miss marple seeks a murderer with a penchant for nursery rhymes.


Guy Slaterregista

Production and Screenplay

George Gallaccioproduttore
T.R. Bowensceneggiatore
Michael Brayshawproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Miss Jane Marple
Joan HicksonJoan Hickson(età:79)
Rex Fortescue
Timothy WestTimothy West(età:51)
miss Henderson
Fabia Drake(età:81)
Percival Fortescue
Adele Fortescue
Stacy DorningStacy Dorning(età:27)
Jennifer Fortescue
Lance Fortescue
Peter DavisonPeter Davison(età:34)
Mary Dove
Selina Cadell(età:32)
Gladys Martin
ispettore Neele
Tom WilkinsonTom Wilkinson(età:37)
Vivian DuBois
Patricia Fortescue
signor Crump
signora Crump
Sergente Hay
sergente Rose
agente White
Louis Mahoney(età:47)
Rhoda Lewis(età:52)
Frank MillsFrank Mills(età:94)
Pat GormanPat Gorman(età:52)
Susan Gilmore(età:31)
Nancie Herrod(età:53)

Technical staff

Alan Blaikleymusiche
Ken HowardKen Howardmusiche
John Walkerdirettore della fotografia
Judy Pepperdinecostumista
Margaret Lewtyassistente di produzione
Michael Youngscenografo

Voices and Dubbing