Database of cinema, music, history and literature

miss pettigrew lives for a day (2008)

Original title: miss pettigrew lives for a day
Production: UK, USA|91 min
Poster of movie miss pettigrew lives for a day

Origin of the subject


Bharat Nalluriregista

Production and Screenplay

Simon Beaufoysceneggiatore
David Mageesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

guinevere pettigrew
delysia lafosse
Amy AdamsAmy Adams(età:34)
phil goldman
Tom PayneTom Payne(età:26)
nick calderelli
Mark StrongMark Strong(età:45)
michael pardue
Lee PaceLee Pace(età:29)
edythe dubarry
joe blomfield
Ciaran HindsCiaran Hinds(età:55)
charlotte warren
miss holt
Beatie EdneyBeatie Edney(età:46)
Matt RyanMatt Ryan(età:27)

Technical staff

Barney Pillingmontatore
John De bormandirettore della fotografia
Paul Englishbymusiche