Database of cinema, music, history and literature

mothers cry (1930)

Original title: mothers cry
Production: USA|76 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie mothers cry
a widowed mother must struggle to raise her four children. she insists that the youngest of them, who turns out to be a gifted architect, must leave the family in order to save his career and to avoid a scandal.

Origin of the subject


Hobart HenleyHobart Henleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert Thornproduttore
Lenore J. coffeesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

James GordonJames Gordon(età:59)
frank williams
Pat O'malleyPat O'malley(età:40)
mary williams
arthur 'artie' williams
David MannersDavid Manners(età:29)
beattie williams
daniel 'danny' williams
Edward Woods(età:27)
il padre di mary
jenny williams
Evalyn Knapp(età:24)
la madre di mary (non accreditata)
mr. gerald hart
sadye noonan williams
Jean Laverty(età:26)
warden (non accreditato)
James Donlan(età:42)
Marvin Jones(età:8)

Technical staff

Anton GrotAnton Grotscenografo
David Mendozamusiche
Gilbert WarrentonGilbert Warrentondirettore della fotografia
Frank Waremontatore
David Mendozamusiche