Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Muertos de risa (1999)

Original title: muertos de risa
113 min
Poster of movie Muertos de risa
nino and bruno are two comedians who reach the heights of success with their duo act, turning them into huge tv celebrities. however, the hate between them grows as fast, and as much, as their fame.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Álex De la iglesiaÁlex De la iglesiasceneggiatore
Marco Gómezproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Sancho GraciaSancho Gracia(età:63)
Rosanna WallsRosanna Walls(età:24)
Alex AnguloAlex Angulo(età:46)
Jesus Bonilla(età:44)
Carlos Lucas(età:67)
Ramon BareaRamon Barea(età:50)
Fede Celada(età:31)
Athenea Mata(età:23)
Sergio Pazos(età:34)
Josema Yuste(età:45)
Ion GabellaIon Gabella(età:31)
Manolo Codeso(età:73)
Uri Geller(età:53)
Alfonso Lara(età:31)

Technical staff

Teresa Fontmontatore
Flavio Martinez labianodirettore della fotografia
Lala Huetecostumista
Roque BanosRoque Banosmusiche
Antonio Rodríguez 'Mármol'tecnico del suono

Voices and Dubbing