Database of cinema, music, history and literature

poussières de vie (1995)

Original title: mui du du xanh
Production: Algeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hong Kong
Poster of movie poussières de vie
based on a true story, after the us withdrawal and the fall of south vietnam to the communist forces in 1975, many people are sent to reeducation camps. several desperate boys in one of the camps begin planing their escape.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Rachid BoucharebRachid Boucharebsceneggiatore
Jean Brehatproduttore
Bernard Gesbertsceneggiatore
Charles Wangproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Eric Nguyen(età:28)

Technical staff

Simonetta Marianocostumista
Youcef Sahraouidirettore della fotografia
Safy Boutellamusiche
Hélène Ducretmontatore