Database of cinema, music, history and literature

murder by contract (1958)

Original title: murder by contract
Production: USA|81 min| black and white
Thriller, Dramatic
a professional killer has an existential crisis when he finds out that his next victim will be a woman witnessing a trial against the los angeles underworld.


Irving Lernerregista

Production and Screenplay

Ben Maddowsceneggiatore
Ben Simcoesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Claude Williams
Vince EdwardsVince Edwards(età:30)
Mister Moon
Billie Williams
Miss Wiley
David Roberts(età:162)
Phillip PinePhillip Pine(età:38)

Technical staff

Lucien BallardLucien Ballarddirettore della fotografia
Jack Poplinscenografo
Carlos Lodatomontatore
Norman Martiencostumista
Carlo Lodatomontatore