Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Murder by Television (1935)

Original title: murder by television
Production: USA|53 min| black and white
Science fiction, Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie Murder by Television


Production and Screenplay

Clarence Henneckescrittore
Joseph O'donnellsceneggiatore
Clifford Sanforthproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Henry Mowbray(età:53)
dr. henry m. scofield
richard grayson
George Meeker(età:31)
june houghland
June CollyerJune Collyer(età:31)
arthur perry
Bela LugosiBela Lugosi(età:53)
Allen Jung(età:26)
Henry HallHenry Hall(età:62)
Dick Rush(età:53)
Wally Dean(età:57)
Lew Hicks(età:40)

Technical staff

Oliver WallaceOliver Wallacemusiche
James S. brown jr.direttore della fotografia
Arthur Reeddirettore della fotografia
Lewis J. Rachmilscenografo
Leslie F. wildermontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1935)