Database of cinema, music, history and literature

murderous maids (2000)

Original title: les blessures assassines
Production: France|94 min
Dramatic, Historical, Crime
Poster of movie murderous maids
based on the true story of two chambermaids (the papin sisters) of 1930s france who murdered their employer and her daughter.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Michele Petinproduttore
Michele Petinsceneggiatore
Panni Lutterproduttore
Jean-Pierre Denissceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mme lancelin
léa papin
christine papin
WomanSylvie Testud(età:29)

Technical staff

Jeanne Birascasting
Jean-marc Fabredirettore della fotografia
Bernard Vezatscenografo
Alexis Kinebanyantruccatore
Benoit LestangBenoit Lestangtruccatore
Sylvie De Segonzaccostumista
Agathe Dupuisparrucchiere
Frédéric Zaidparrucchiere
Gilles Rossiretruccatore
Claire Monattetruccatore